Code memories
Old programs I wrote during 1990-1997. I recently recovered a good portion of them from an old dusty hard drive. They are mostly written in QBasic 1.1 (or QuickBasic 4.5), Turbo Pascal 6 and 8086 Assembly. Unfortunately I don't have any of the code I wrote in 1989 on an Amstrad 6128.
My favourite resolution was mode 13h (320x200 with 256 colors).
I screengrabed them using ScreenToGif running on DOSBox to present them here.
- lang: QBasic
- name: CITY.BAS
- date: 1992-10-07
- mode: 13h (320x200, 256 colors)
- notes: Layered drawing of a city. Each program execution produces a slightly different result.

- lang: QBasic
- name: BALLS.BAS
- date: 1997-03-23
- mode: 12h (640x480, 16 colors)
- notes: Balls bouncing on the boundaries of the screen. Pretty slow program (gif is sped up a bit). Thought that the problem was with the language, lol.

- lang: QBasic
- name: BALLS2.BAS
- date: 1997-03-11
- mode: 12h (640x480, 16 colors)
- notes: Particles emitted from the center of the screen with basic boundaries collision detection and some semi-random gravitational movement.

- lang: QBasic
- name: FIRE7.BAS
- date: 1997-04-??
- mode: 13h (320x200, 256 colors)
- notes: Bounching plasma pixels mutator with a bit of randomness and a custom palette.

- lang: QBasic
- name: FONT_8.BAS
- date: 1996-09-06
- mode: 13h (320x200, 256 colors)
- notes: Graphical text rendering with a bit of randomization and afterwards bending of the generated image.

- lang: QBasic
- name: FRACTAL4.BAS
- date: 1997-03-30
- mode: 13h (320x200, 256 colors)
- notes: Fractal generation with a bit of randomization and customized pallette.

- lang: QBasic
- name: GLASS1.BAS
- date: 1997-05-22
- mode: 13h (320x200, 256 colors)
- notes: "Glass" bouncing at the boundaries of screen, incrementing pixel values with a customized pallette.